Data Protection – student data

If you are selected as a host family and we ask you to host a student, then we will send you personal information about one or more of our students. This information is protected by the General Data Protection Regulation 2016, and you must follow a few simple guidelines to keep this data secure.
You must not share the information with anyone outside your home
If you do not host the student then you must return their file to InterStudies Head Office or your local support coordinator, deleting any copies you may have (including electronic files).
When the student completes their programme you must return their file to InterStudies Head Office, or your Local Support Coordinator, deleting any copies you may have (including electronic files)
Data Protection – your data
In order to produce our programmes it is necessary for us to collect data and information about our host families.
Under GDPR regulations, which entered into law in 2018, we are required to provide you with information about the data we collect, and your rights in connection with data collection. Detailed information about what data we collect and how we use your data can be viewed at, where you can download our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice.
As the information we collect is necessary in order for us to provide our programme and fulfil our contractual obligations to you, we do not need to ask you for permission in order to collect your data. However, we ask you to accept these terms to confirm that you are aware that we collect your data, and that you have been provided with information about the ways in which we collect and use your data.
Children’s Act 1989
As a result of the Children’s Act of 1989 we are obliged, to in certain circumstances, to notify the Social Services Department that you wish to provide accommodation for students in order that suitability can be verified. The following people are not allowed to accommodate children:
– Anyone who has had a child removed from their care by court order
– Anyone who has been convicted of an offence against a child
– Anyone who has been refused registration under the Nurseries’ and Childminders Act from 1948 or the Children’s Act from 1989
Section 70(a) of the Children’s Act 1989 provides that a person who makes any statement in this notice or gives information which he knows to be false or misleading, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 5.
I agree to InterStudies conducting a criminal background check of me as well as any household member over the age of 16. I undertake to provide a criminal record certificate (standard disclosure) for each and every member of my household above the age of 16 if requested by InterStudies. Any expense regarding this will be refunded by InterStudies.
I/we have read and understood all of the above and confirm there is no legal reason why we should not provide accommodation for students of any age, and that we have no objection against verification of this being obtained from the Social Services Department.
I/we hereby apply to become an InterStudies host family and agree to abide by the guidelines, rules and regulations laid down by InterStudies.
I/we confirm to the best of my/our knowledge and belief that the information given on this for is correct and complete. I/we have read and understood the InterStudies guidelines, including the terms above, and agree to abide by the conditions therein.
Hosting with InterStudies: Terms & Conditions
InterStudies provides a range of educational programmes to international students. The core value of these programmes is the cultural exchange, allowing the student to integrate into the British way of life and giving the host family an insight into a different culture.
By agreeing to host with InterStudies, you are committing to welcoming students into your home, treating them as a genuine part of your family and involving them in family activities. You agree to our terms as well as the standard code of practice for host families. We thank you in advance for offering a great home and a wonderful experience.
1. Code of Practice for Host Families
1.1 To encourage the student to speak English as much as possible in your home.
1.2 To encourage the student to feel at home and to treat them as a member of the family rather than as a paying guest.
1.3 Not to host a student of the same native tongue at the same time unless by special arrangement with InterStudies.
1.4 To provide a clean, comfortable and welcoming student room meeting the physical requirements laid down by InterStudies.
1.5 To provide a home environment in which it is possible for the student to carry on their English studies properly.
1.6 To provide the student with a balanced and appropriate diet. Main meal/s must be taken with the students.
1.7 To show due concern for the welfare, safety and security of the student during their stay.
1.8 To give the student reasonable and regular access to a bathroom.
1.9 To provide min. 1 load of laundry per week, along with bedding and towels done weekly.
1.10 To maintain a close liaison with InterStudies and so be in a position to help resolve any problems that the students may encounter during their stay.
1.11 To respect the student’s different cultural background and to be sensitive to the particular needs of the student.
1.12 To regard and treat the student as a member of the family.
1.13 To encourage the student to feel at home and to treat them as a member of the family rather than a paying guest, e.g. taking main meals with the student.
1.14 To provide full board accommodation, ample private space and a quiet place to study.
1.15 To provide a welcoming, safe environment, including a clean and comfortable student bedroom with adequate hanging and drawer space, heating, safe lighting, and blinds/curtains.
1.16 To provide single beds for each student. If two students are sharing a room, the floor space must be adequate to provide a single bed and suitable living space for each student. Under no circumstances should double beds be used to accommodate more than one student, and bunk beds are not accepted.
1.17 To provide adequate laundry and washing facilities with access to the laundry and bathroom as a member of the family, with a change of bed linen each week.
1.18 To encourage the student to speak English as much as possible in your home.
1.19 To provide the student with an appropriate and balanced diet.
1.20 To respect the student’s different cultural background and be sensitive to the particular needs of the student.
1.21 To show due concern for the welfare, safety and security of the student during his/her stay and to inform InterStudies immediately in the event of a medical emergency, illness or accident.
1.22 To maintain a close liaison with InterStudies and help solve any emotional or disciplinary problems that the student may encounter during their time with you.
1.23 To be responsible for the safety and security of the student and their belongings in your home.
1.24 To follow InterStudies guidelines and respect programme rules.
1.25 To not allow any illegal substances in your home while the student is staying with you.
1.26 To not host any student from another organisation at the same time as hosting for InterStudies.
1.27 To meet the student at the nearest major airport on arrival.
1.28 To accompany the student to school on the student’s first day of school.
1.29 To escort the student to the nearest major airport and help check-in at departure.
1.30 To pass on any information received from the school on student progress/ behaviour to local InterStudies representative.
1.31 To agree to produce a copy of the gas safety record for all gas appliances in their home on request from InterStudies.
2. Agreement and Declarations
The Host Family accepts that InterStudies will make any decision regarding:
2.1 The placement (and replacement if InterStudies deems this necessary) of the student/s hosted.
2.2 Guidance, rules, regulations and changes thereof while the student/s participates in the programme.
2.3 Arrival and departure dates and times to/from the home country.
When applying to host with InterStudies, the Host Family also:
2.4 Undertakes to follow the Code of Practice.
2.5 Confirms to be familiar with the terms, guidance, rules and regulations laid down by InterStudies for students participating in the programme.
2.6 Understands that the student must attend school while participating in an academic programme, and agrees to inform InterStudies should the student fail to do so satisfactorily.
2.7 Is aware that failing to adhere to the InterStudies rules, or failing to make an academic effort if participating in an academic programme, may lead to the student returning early to the home country and will respect any such decision made by InterStudies.
2.8 Accepts to host the student on the understanding that no other international student from another organisation or company will reside with us during the above mentioned student’s stay.
2.9 Agrees to comply with any data protection regulations applicable.
2.10 Agrees to comply with and all screening procedures carried out by InterStudies Local Support Coordinators and/or Head Office.
2.11 Accepts that InterStudies cannot be held responsible for any damage, loss or injury suffered by a host family.
2.12 Accepts that sometimes photographs are taken by InterStudies representatives, students or LSCs to use for identification purposes, brochures, handbooks, social media or our website. If you do not agree to such photographs being used for marketing purposes, you must inform us in writing at the time of application.
2.13 Understands and accepts that if there is an outbreak of any infectious or contagious disease in the student’s home country, in the UK or at the student’s school and/or if the student contracts a contagious disease, InterStudies will follow the local guidance. In the event of student returning home due to this reason, host family expenses will be paid up to and including the date of student departure.
2.14 Understands and accepts that in the case of a major unforeseeable event that is beyond the control of InterStudies, including but not limited to, war, decision from authority, visa regulations, natural disaster, pandemic, strike and lock-out, InterStudies cannot be held liable for any loss, damage, injury or fatality, cancellation or shortening of the programme.
2.15 Accepts that InterStudies reserves the right to remove our student/s from your care without notice and may enter your home to do so.
2.16 Undertakes to ensure that any adults living within your household during hosting are free of criminal convictions pertaining to the safe guarding of children.
2.17 Accepts that host families are responsible for their own household insurance and that InterStudies cannot be held responsible for any accident or damage to your property. Any accidents should be reported to InterStudies immediately. It is important to inform your home insurance provider and to ensure you have adequate cover in place.
3. Cancellations
3.1 While we understand that unforeseen circumstances can occur, we kindly request that host families do not cancel agreed hosting arrangements at short notice. Last minute cancellations create uncertainty for students and a loss of confidence.
3.2 No compensation is payable for cancellation or postponement prior to the proposed date of arrival of the student. In this event, we shall endeavour to replace the student as soon as possible.
4. Financial compensation
4.1 InterStudies provides financial compensation towards the expenses of hosting as per information provided. By agreeing to host for InterStudies, you agree to our current level of financial compensation.
4.2 We ask that the student is provided with a single room where possible. If 2 long term students are sharing a bedroom, financial compensation for the second student will be reduced by 20%.
4.3 Any monies from InterStudies paid during the duration of the student’s stay is for expenses only and is not classed as an income.
5. Contact and emergency contact
You can contact the InterStudies Head Office on +44 131 634 0540 (UK) and +353 1649 8527 (Ireland).
In case of emergency, you can reach our 24/7 emergency number on +44 7521 089716 (UK) and +353 19015287 (Ireland).
6. References / Criminal Background Checks
6.1 If you are selected to host a student, InterStudies will carry out a criminal background check on any members of your household (aged 16 or over) who do not already hold this. Any expense regarding this will be refunded by InterStudies.
6.2 As we represent and take responsibility for students living away from home and to conform to current legal requirements, it is essential that we screen potential host families on behalf of the students’ families who live overseas.
6.3 We apologise for any inconvenience in advance but we these procedures are vital. You can be assured that all information collected and given will always be treated in the strictest confidence.
6.4 As a host family, you will be asked to provide two references (one professional and one personal), which can be completed by a close friend, neighbour, employer or a professional who will support your application as a suitable host family, to demonstrate that you are able to provide suitable accommodation and supervision to an overseas student.
7. Child Protection and Safeguarding
7.1 InterStudies aims to safeguard the welfare of children participating in our programmes. In order to give children protection from potential and actual abuse it is important that all concerned have a basic understanding of the issues involved and that procedures are in place that are understandable and easy to implement by all members of the InterStudies team.
7.2 InterStudies is committed to creating an environment that enables children to learn, develop and express themselves in a safe, understanding and encouraging environment. Parents trust us to look after their children, to care for them, to give them encouragement and to keep them safe. We need to ensure that we honour their trust.
7.3 As a host family, you must read the InterStudies Child Protection policy, readily available on our website or on request, and follow these guidelines and uphold the principles outlined within at all times.
7.4 Students who are aged under 16 years old who live with someone outside their own family for a prolonged period of time fall under the regulations governing private fostering. Your Local Support Coordinator will assist in your contact with the local authority to register as a private foster-carer if hosting a student under the age of 16.
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